Vége az ünnepeknek, most már mindenki munkára fogható, így zajlanak az előkészületek a háttérben. Gyártódnak a bemutató anyagok szinte minden platformon, és ezekből íme az egyik!
Az alapítvány indításának ötlete akkor villant fel, mikor egy páran elkezdtük látni a jövőt, illetve a jövőnek egy olyan lehetséges változatát, mi nem azzal kecsegtet, hogy azon a területen dolgozzunk, olyan egzisztenciális viszonyok között éljünk, hogy abban kellemesen lehessen lélegezni anélkül, hogy a munka, és…
Üdv, kedves látogató! Ezúton örömmel jelenti be első posztjában a Sör- és Erjedésipari Szakirány Magyarországi Felélesztéséért nevezetű alapítvány, hogy immáron valóban alapítványi státuszba került, szóval nagyjából egy évnyi elutasítás, beadás, újbóli javításra visszaküldés, várakozás, és már-már kétségbeesés után megszülettünk! Lassacskán az oldal is elnyeri teljes…
" Since the state subsidized grants are only available for those students who learn one of the skills that are in shortage. Since it would be almost impossible to include fermentation industry into this circle, we have decided to work out and operate a system of incentives. Thus we will be able to motivate our students and also to help them get ready for the incentive and bonus system of labor market.”
”The establishing and the running of this system would motivate the students to reach higher academic results and obtaining more knowledge in their field, this way which would give them higher value on the labor market. It could make Bercsényi a more popular school of choice and the number of students could rise as well. Our long-term objective is that our students would see a positive career perspective in food-industry. By the development and modernization of the training workshop and the educational program the academic standard of the students would be higher which will make the profession and the training more appreciated. ”
Geographically speaking we can find the roots of dual education in German and Austrian economy, in time in the early Middle Ages, in the period of guilds but it is also known in Hungarian vocational education. Yet there are differences in the number and rate of students participating in vocational education, in the companies, its financial and legal background compared to those of economies using this method for a long time. In this type of vocational education some duties – mostly the theoretical ones – are undertaken by vocational schools financed and run by the state or other partners (churches, associations, foundations, or before 2013 local governments). In this educational period mostly general disciplines, theoretical and introductory professional disciplines are covered. The practical training of these students is done by the partner companies, bigger and smaller ones, this way contributing to or taking over the costs of professional training. This co-operation can only work efficiently and in a way that all participants may profit from it if the partners: the factories, production companies, the state (being responsible for the legal regulation of the field), and the educational institutions work in close collaboration. Today, when emerging from the latest economic crisis is still questionable for our economy, it is even more important to reconsider and spread this dual-educational model as wide as possible.
Regulation of vocational education (Information for vocational experts regarding the changes in vocational) National Labour Office
It wouldn’t be a surprise if the need for these qualifications were questioned both by the Europe can only start to grow economically if more and more highly-qualified workers reach the labor market. The development of professional skills is essential for growth and competitiveness and this can be helped by investing into education and training. Developing professional skills can promote innovation and economic growth thus shaping future labor market. The European educational and training systems do not provide employees with all the necessary skills, and they do not properly co-operate with companies and employers in order to bring together the observations of the studies and knowledge indeed needed for certain professions.
Let’s think education over! The announcement of the European Commission from November 20th 2012 (excerpt).
”We always ask questions about and look for answers in connection with our and other people’s actions. Why do we do what we do? Why does one student study and why does the other not? Why do some students undertake fulfilling goals and keep on going till they finish while others lose their courage at the first obstacle and give up their work for something they like more? We have to find the answers on the field of motivation.”
”The establishing and the running of this system would motivate the students to reach higher academic results and obtaining more knowledge in their field, this way which would give them higher value on the labor market. It could make Bercsényi a more popular school of choice and the number of students could rise as well. Our long-term objective is that our students would see a positive career perspective in food-industry. By the development and modernization of the training workshop and the educational program the academic standard of the students would be higher which will make the profession and the training more appreciated. ”
" Since the state subsidized grants are only available for those students who learn one of the skills that are in shortage. Since it would be almost impossible to include fermentation industry into this circle, we have decided to work out and operate a system of incentives. Thus we will be able to motivate our students and also to help them get ready for the incentive and bonus system of labor market.”
“Why do we work for all these things? First of all, because we don’t want food industry to disappear as a possible vocation. We don’t want food industry to be degraded into a partial vocation in which students would not be able to get thoroughly trained in their future profession. There will always be a need for food industry, thus there will always be a need for well-trained professionals. Since we are unique in this field within the secondary education, we are to ones who have the means and the responsibility of educating and training future professionals in this field.”
„Technical innovation is the long-term, strategic force of economic growth. Managing innovation is one of the most important basic tasks of our modern society. Examining the nature of and the complex challenges behind innovation from the point of view of a knowledge-based society, we have to emphasize that this society does not only require more information but different information as well. In the time of strong market competition more stress is put on innovation that is valuable both for the society and the environment. Integrating the different dimensions of values, types of knowledge and multidisciplinary approaches into innovation becomes fundamental, since the enhancement of competitiveness is fulfilled more and more through innovative products that correspond to social values. Innovation is not a simple adaptation to a certain environment, rather the environment „calls” for innovation. "
A társadalmi részvétel lehetőségei a technológia-fejlesztés fenntarthatóságáért. Várkonyi László (Corvinus: 2012)
„The present rate and scale of technological change means that we are facing a paradigm shift in the ways in which we live and earn our livings. It needs to be met by a comparable paradigm change in how we think of education. We need to rethink some of the fundamental ideas that we have come to take for granted as simple common sense: about education, intelligence and ourselves.”
Ken Robinson: Out of our Minds – Learning to be Creative. Capstone Publishing Ltd., 2011.
“The distinctive feature of human intelligence is imagination and the power of symbolic thought. Our lives are shaped by the ideas we have and the beliefs we hold. New ways of thinking can transform us.”
Ken Robinson: Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. Capstone Publishing Ltd., 2011 Chapter 2.
”Thoughtlessness—the headless recklessness or hopeless confusion or complacent repetition of “truths“ which have become trivial and empty—seems to me among the outstanding characteristics of our time. What I propose, therefore, is very simple: it is nothing more than to think what we are doing.”
Hannah Arendt: The Human Condition. The University of Chicago Press, 1959 p. 6.